Another day at war

Aimee Fenech
2 min readMar 21, 2022

Some good news today, first of all a young woman around my age is finally leaving Ukraine after she managed to convince her parents she’ll be safe. We found her a accommodation locally and will help her settle in.

Work has been possible even though it takes me considerably longer in the morning to get going.

When I’m coding nothing else exists. I don’t know how to describe it but I don’t know in that moment about the war or indeed about anything else I’m here but away in a trance.

So most of the day once I go into this tunnel I’m away until reality brings me back.

I haven’t heard today from my friend in Chernihiv, the situation there is becoming more and more dire. In the meantime I monitor on and off the help groups and see more and more messages of people desperately looking for places to rent in Poland, some women are traveling back into dangerous areas because they don’t find anything and being on the streets is not an option in winter. Some have children with them. I cannot imagine what they must feel.

I’m tired but that must be nothing compared to their overwhelm. At the end of the day I slip into my warm bed safe and sound knowing full well that this is a privilege not afforded to all.

My friend looks at me and reminds me I cannot save everyone, that’s not my job, not my responsibility, I’m already doing enough. But what is enough in this situation?



Aimee Fenech

#permaculture practitioner, teacher and designer, co-founder of #ecohackerfarm, writer, project manager and activist get in touch