Farm life series #8: a zero waste approach

Aimee Fenech
4 min readJan 17, 2022


The circular economy of rural life is alive and well here and I am loving it!

I look around my still disorganized kitchen counter whilst making an artistic rendition of a shopping list. Since moving to a place without trash collection I have been on a mission to reduce our trash as much as I can. This is not only good for the environment but it also means that I don’t have to take the trash into the back of the car so often.

Cooking oil

My cooking oil and salad oil are now one and the same as I have been buying my friend Jenny’s organic olive oil. It is delicious, I can hug the trees it came from and the lovely people who collected the olives and I know which oil mill they have used to press them. I am also using very beautiful corked glass bottles for the oil. Zero waste has never tasted to delicious ❤

In return for helping willingly today I got a liter of olive oil, a hot shower and a plate of hot home made and home grown soup. I couldn’t be more privileged or more grateful.


The vegetables at the local organic shop also come without packaging and there I met a friend and fellow permaculture teacher Ras Craswell and he gave me one of his lovely hand made, bees wax candles made lovingly from his own bees. A zero waste…



Aimee Fenech

#permaculture practitioner, teacher and designer, co-founder of #ecohackerfarm, writer, project manager and activist get in touch