Fast days at war

Aimee Fenech
2 min readMar 29, 2022

The time passes quickly and the days have started to blend into each other. Busy is good for distraction at least momentarily but nothing can distract us from what’s happening in Ukraine.

One friend in Chernihiv is an artist, they’ve been when possible making digital art… it’s sad but also inspiring that one does continue in despite the constant shelling, the food shortages, the power cuts, the air raids. Another friend from the same city talks about their time at a prosthetic manufacturer and wonders how many prosthetics will be needed now.

The rail company shares pictures and stories of dead employees who die doing their job.

Outside Kyiv they’ve not seen any changes. Queues remain for supplies, so do the constant shifts to guard the area. Bombings continue in the not so distant place.

I’ve been more able to work but when I stop for a moment it comes back. The dull ache of anxiety.

War is felt in Spain too, a fuel price hike puts the fishermen and the truckers on strike, my neighbor can’t move his goat milk, if it lasts he’ll cull the goats because he won’t be able to feed them. The farmer’s son too has been on strike without income in a tanking economy many new poor are being created, but it all pales in comparison to the dead, to the grieving.

How intricate the strings that bind us to one another.



Aimee Fenech

#permaculture practitioner, teacher and designer, co-founder of #ecohackerfarm, writer, project manager and activist get in touch