Finding compassion within the heartache

Aimee Fenech
4 min readFeb 28, 2022

Another full day has gone by with hyper anxiety levels and a splitting headache. The curfew has ended and people have been able to get out of their shelters to go shopping.

Aid is coming to Ukraine from Poland, my parents tell me that Malta too has been putting together donations of clothes and other supplies to go to the Polish / Ukrainian border.

I also saw a bus full of Israeli doctors on their way to Ukraine.

With Russia’s nuclear weapons pointed at Ukraine from Belarus we try again to convince the in laws to find a way out but they are adamant they don’t want to leave. Keeping in mind today is quiet with the talks going on so perhaps this kind of sense of false security has some bearing on this decision.

I offer to go to Poland and pick up the children if they can make it to the border, they do not want to send the children either. On the one hand I understand their decision not to be separated from their children and on the other I am absolutely horrified at the prospect on children dying in this war.

Twitter promptly reminds me that yes, children die in wars and a child that looks very much like Anton’s niece stares at me from the screen. My stomach is in my throat. Insisting doesn’t help, their parents have to decide for them what they think is best.



Aimee Fenech

#permaculture practitioner, teacher and designer, co-founder of #ecohackerfarm, writer, project manager and activist get in touch