Aimee FenechChatGPT, lies and unemploymentThree people on my LinkedIn list who were until last week employed as content writers are now sharing their embittered views about AI and…Jun 3, 2023Jun 3, 2023
Aimee FenechWomen as “seen” by AIAI has been causing a stir now that it has broken into the mainstream but how are women and their issues represented in tools such as Chat…Feb 21, 2023Feb 21, 2023
Aimee FenechMaybe I will never know you, if it all goes to hellSometimes I wonder what life would be like if the internet went down and never came back again. I think about whether I would still spend…Nov 12, 2022Nov 12, 2022
InILLUMINATIONbyAD Reviews (Aaryan Dua)Gmail is Dead and Something New is Replacing It!There is a better E-Mail Client in the MarketJul 25, 2022112Jul 25, 2022112
Aimee FenechData Privacy issues — are they finally going mainstream?politicians using the data to target voters are not incentivized to protect our data from being exploited…Apr 23, 2022Apr 23, 2022
Aimee FenechOpen Source Privacy Browser add-onA quick and easy install enabling you to to disable tracking cookies on sites when you are on them.Feb 21, 2022Feb 21, 2022
InFacilitating for FuturebyAimee FenechData Privacy as an act of loveI would like to believe that as individuals we care about each other. This may be naive and foolish but it is what it is.Feb 10, 2022Feb 10, 2022
InModern WomenbyAimee FenechTinder is screwing with you!In a world where we rely on apps to do almost anything we must be vigilant that the companies handling our data are not abusing of it.Feb 14, 2022Feb 14, 2022