Some stranded hope, reflections of the third day of invasion

Aimee Fenech
2 min readFeb 26, 2022

After two days of being in high alert as the in laws first refusing to leave their apartment and then refusing to leave the semi basement right in the center of Kiev with images of tanks coming in from Belarus we finally managed to somehow convince them to make the move out of Kiev south to their daughters house which is not near any military target. Now they have others to be with, a niece and nephew to think about and hug as they think about next steps.

The day went past, my only distraction from the war a trip to town to drop off some art to show at a local exhibition.

In the local forum I made a call to support people directly affected, one person got in touch privately after the post was trolled and I closed the comments.

No breakfast or lunch but after the good news some dinner.

All day I was on the refugees facebook group monitoring news about the border crossings.

The Polish people have been a godsend. Some even drive into Ukraine to pick up people.

People ask for help and help is organised.

People stand at the train stations with food and blankets. Accommodation is organised, pickups, translations, food, clothes.



Aimee Fenech

#permaculture practitioner, teacher and designer, co-founder of #ecohackerfarm, writer, project manager and activist get in touch