Kyiv is increasingly being surrounded by Russia. The in laws still adamant to stay. Diplomatic talks fail yet again. A warning of possible escalation from Russia after bombing a maternity hospital they might now move on to chemical weapons. My father in law might wield a gun but he will be able to do little against a chemical attempt, we hope and hope again that this may not pass.
I cannot bear the internet trolls. I try not to engagement them.
Layered with filing in paperwork for our wedding tomorrow I try to take every opportunity to rest, I have been feeling very tired. When our friend arrive we talk about the war but also about what has happened since we have last seen them, it feels good to catch up and be with familiar people.
My friend from west Ukraine has made it to Madrid and will stop there for tonight. Tomorrow she will arrive in Granada and we will meet here there.
I leave Anton with out friends and head to bed. I watch the news and look at my wedding dress hanging ready for tomorrow. I feel a rainbow of emotions, from deep sorrow to joy and rolled into one.
I go over messages and send some emails. The plumber sends me a picture of the solar hot water heater set up on our roof, a sight for sore eyes.