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Permaculture Design Toobox series

Zone 00 — a journey into oneself

Aimee Fenech
2 min readFeb 22, 2022


The retrospective has long been a tool of choice for permaculture designers to assess their work another derivative of the project management world brought into the permaculture toolkit.

Carla Moss in her latest newsletter uses this tool specifically to explore what has been going on and what could be changed in Zone 00 — the zone where we find ourselves in our being.

Am I being my most powerful and transformative self? If not, why not?
How can I embrace my inner power more?
What am I willing to change?
What would I most benefit from letting go of?
What brings me joy and how can I connect to more of this?

There’s a lot to be unpacked from these questions as I attempt to answer them for myself pausing at my interpretation of the words:

powerful, transformative, inner power, willing, change, joy, connection, embrace…

I feel incredibly challenged in this moment where everything around me is changing to take my sight off from everything else and look inward at my own struggle. By the time I got to the last question I was almost sad to see how much effort I have to put in to answer what brings me joy and…



Aimee Fenech

#permaculture practitioner, teacher and designer, co-founder of #ecohackerfarm, writer, project manager and activist get in touch